Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Yesterday I somehow sloop.

Hopefully I can do so tonight.


@Vulgard Vote Count please.

popHey Gang! You know what day it is today?

(Spray holy water “Out of our house!”)

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Trial of Boss110 - Vote Count:

Execute - 5 - Marluxion, Pug, PokemonKidRyan, Damafaud, Frostwolf103
Abstain - 2 - Insanity, Celeste_Ludenberg
Pardon - 0

(Ah! It’s my first-year anniversary here! It’s also April Fools! And Easter!)

(Oh congrats)


We need 4 more executes :thinking:
@Insanity @Wolfy @Margaret stahp abstainin’

How do you rate my votecount

  • Good
  • Bad

0 voters

Never make a poll on April Fools.

I like how you aren’t in any of the three running FoLs
yet you have more activity than half of their players lmao
maybe sign up next time :^)


What’s the night plan?

We only really have a plan for protectives
Celeste is healing the prince,
Pug is healing Dama
Wolfy is guarding Insanity

Prince is jailing/executing Tech, yes?

Who else deserves further investigation?

Tech is getting chopped, yeah.
Night, Dama, Insanity, You, Mole/Noz.
are all good candidates for investigation
Mole/Noz because if one comes up as neutral then the other is also outed as neut.

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Fair enough.
Investibators are always welcome at Chateau de Methnor.

Pretty sure Boss is the cult leader though.
So we might just have to find his convert and the cult will be out.
(If he isn’t CL, he’s most certainly NK.)
