Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

It’s nothing bad, you Rezz confirmed until proven otherwise. No Rezz = dead.

We could vote pkr today :thinking:

Marl was pretty keen on doing it yesterday for some time, so it might explain why he died. @Ami weren’t you meant to cs someone?

That’s idiotic. Suggesting that is so anti town. Let moleland bleed out tonight.

Lol, I’m anti town. Let the most important bd die is more stoopid

Voting a priest that is going to confirm themselves tonight is idiotic. You have a point on Noz. But why would a town say that. Tommorow we will know whether or not PKR is town.

Pkr isn’t acting like a priest that is (likely) just against a nk

He could be acting so scummy I don’t care. It’s early game no need to Lynch a priest claim that will prove themselves tonight. Tommorow patience. Moleland I want your class type. You say you are important give me it.

The most important

Also no CC’s

Let’s put some pressure on Insanity, let’s see what he claims.

Priest isn’t a guaranteed spawn

But claiming a unique class that early on is unlike PKR. Who is a safe and calculated player.

Let’s get Insanity’s claim and move on from there.

He said he wouldn’t so :octopus:

So we put him on trial until he claims. Cult’s word is worth something, just not much. It’s better than Insanity’s scummy behavior and not claiming.

If he does not claim, he will be executed. If bd he is throwing.

You are going to vote or just stand there?

I’ll let others check in first

Marl died of NK I am assuming or Alchemist yolo bomb.

At this point prince should kill Celeste, because they probs yoloed Marl.

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