Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win


Intuition I guess.
and the fact order can still be used by Apostle!Noble
Anyway, I’m healing Mole tonight.

Wolfy better guard Mole.

Tech is still the CL though

so wrong, you could still be Apostle as Tech isn’t dead yet

Readin is Fun.
Tech is dead.

btw, the new convert is CL day 3

but was he dead Night 2? No

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Sooo, you aren’t in the clear.

Well anyway, I think the real suspects are NightX and Damafaud

@NightX. You better exhume Marl tonight or you’re dead

NightX is about to be jailed.

oh okay then


wisp wolfy tonight to confirm you are princess

Sam, of you are Noble, you better send a message to prove it. This push to quickhammering does not look good. We need the defense first.

Go to jail boy, stop putting suspicion elsewhere.

Vote count for Insanity’s trial:

Execute - 4 votes - Frostwolf103, NightX, PokemonKidRyan, NozBugz

Abstain - 2 votes - Celeste_Ludenberg, Pug

Pardon - 1 vote - Sam17z

Majority (and hammer) is 7.

Can we ask why Pug is abstaining?

Im not voting execution until Moleland repeats what he told me in jail :thinking:

If you are Pri(o)nce then tell me what you told me in jail. If you are not Prince then just say that :thinking: cuz U kinda making me look bad

@Moleland Pls enlighten me o great one

Lol, get rekt

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Welp… God damn it Prince…

You made me think it was Hippo :thinking: