Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Wolfy do it you won’t vote execute.

Pardon me if you want me to prove myself, duh.

The thing is with barrier, there is no way to confrim at all, and the person Insanity POFs can claim they were not.

Any other reason why I should believe you CW claim, or will I need to say that it’s ok, and then we execute you. I mean, you have one more vote till you’re hammered

No Insanity is at L-2

Not one more vote till hammered. 2 more.


shall I pardon to get Insanity to prove himself?

No, he is total scum. He did not claim, until put on the stand like he is some important role, but he is a cw. He is NK for sure.

The thing is, will everyone else wish to follow suit with this sort of claim? I don’t think that’s the case. I feel like if I force pardon, people will assume I’m devout King, so I’m at a stump here. They’re already have 6 votes so one of the sleepers need to vote him and I’ll be away from about 10:00am, so he will be executed

It’s at 5 votes btw not 6.

The thing is that people do not claim until they;re on trial.

Another thing is…

Wait for it.


We voted him up when he might have been asleep or was at school because Insanity is from Taiwan.

(I think?)

anyway, you better not be Devout King.

I promise you that I’m not.

Have I done anything yet that seems scummy to you?

I even warded Insanity like what MArl told me to do before he died

This was 2 days ago.

21 hours ago.

29 minutes ago.

And by 21 hours the voting on Insanity has started. So don’t give me that garbage about time zones because he clearly has an opportunity to claim before the trial.

nah, I think you’re Good King.

Wolfy if you force pardon, I along with the rest of the BD will think you are devout king.

Or a neut king siding with NK.

anyway, for you Mr Samuel.

Crier N4


Even if I was neut King, I would never side with the NK anyway unless it seems like it would be necessary for me to

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for me. I heal Mole

So vote execute Wolfy, that is not a hammer vote btw.