Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

But me and celeste made a deal soooooo…

I never wrote it on paper

Forum of LIES no deals. Anything could be broken.

Like my heart if celeste doesn’t heal me :broken_heart:


But then I’m willing to work with them the first few nights if required.

I do not honor Wolfy right now.

You claiming Neut king?

No one else has claimed anything.

And you said it yourself, Forum of Lies. Am I telling the truth, or am I lying right now?

Wolfy is my new wolfy

For once, I would MUCH rather you heal Hip than Sam

And not the King. Ouch… :broken_heart:

A lot of hearts being broken and it’s only D1

I said I’d rather Hip over Sam.
I never mentioned you.
Ergo, you cannot conclude if I’d rather you or hip healed

Yepp Day 1 is heartbreaker day

Wait, what? I thought this was Forum of Flies, the famous bug research group. I’m completely in the wrong place. wanders away

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/vote methnor out pls

Nope. You’re in my kingdom now grabs Meth by the arm

Come join the party!

Interesting how PKR thinks I am scum. Just weighing the opportunities. This is duly noted.

I don’t think PKR ever said you are scum.

the bait worked, Prince jail and execute Hippo.