Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Unless it’s a mod error or something since Wolf should have bled someone in a day?

Could be? He could also be immune to bleeding. Which would make him not prince.

Then for some reason…
There’s a big contradiction here.

We know Mole is Prince.
We know Mole was bled since he said so…
We know he must’ve been healed

I’d imagine the real Prince would’ve taken care of him by now of that was the case.

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And yet both healers say they got a DNR Message on Moleland

Then that’s a problem because Dama said he was killer/offensive, and when I said I think I might know who prince was, he then confrimed it by saying “someone that has a brain”

So mod error potentially I’m guessing
(No offence Alfa or Vul)

As otherwise there’s no solution

We need to figure that out, and we need to sort out if Mole executed NightX last night. If he didn’t execute NightX, We have a possessor in our game.

Think, Wolfy. Dama wouldn’t have been cult leader that night. He’d have been seeker.

We’re looking for a convert, keep that in mind.

But Marl…
You said we likely have a reaper in dead chat
I remember what you said

Dama could be the n1 convert


Wut? I said if you die we have a reaper
You didn’t die
I’d like to believe my read of NightX being reaper was accurate, but we should make sure just in case.

If that is the case, he would be CL last night still since we had killed the starting cult

Yup. And that’s why i think he asked not to be jailed, so he could “Prove himself.”
Aka, get off another convert.

But the question is…
Did he go for me?
Or do we have another person.
I’m confirmed priest with 2 lives.
People can confirm themselves on me mostly

If he went for you, the game would end as soon as we hung him (once again assuming mole exe’d nightx)

@Frostwolf103 @Hippolytus If one of you could royal blood prod dama, that’d be wonderful.

Wouldn’t he still have RB even if he got promoted to CL?

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Mole must’ve exe’d night.
There are NO other possibilities after my very quick analysis