Is it me, or has there been a mod error every single day for every single game now?
I don’t see any other mod errors.
and I had nothing to do with the last one smh
This one was super minor, all things considered.
Comoared to when MArl should have been dead last night
So ermmm…
It’s not the healers then?
So next plan?
Waiting for Mole to post stuff, seems like he had things to say about Hippos result from earlier.
Seems he had things about the imprison actually…
As that’s what I asked him
Vote count:
Pug - 2 votes - Marluxion, Celeste_Ludenberg
Majority is 7.
btw and Celeste healed Mole.
Me too in case Celeste was occupied
I’d suggest someone kills Frost
(perferably mole)
Dama does. I repeat, does, have royal blood.
He could have been converted last night potentially but hes not the N1 convert.
Good, at most Frost is Scorned or Fool…
so ignore him for now
who do we think the n1 convert is then? Frostwolf?
How is NozBugz still alive?
Scum don’t want him dead since easy mislynch?
Either that or scum converted him and hence he won’t be killed
I meant he said he was going to yolo cs two nights ago