Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Insert X to Doubt meme here
Noz is obviously Knight, guys (!)

When I was reading this, I thought that Hippo and Dama scum team maybe but it seems that Hippo is scorned. Frost is probs converted as I said, I think one of the maids was converted. And Damafaud’s I forgot to wisp is pure garbage.

/vote Damafaud

Frost and Dama are Cult.

We can wait for frostwolf to mechanically prove Dama though
Let’s let him test for royal blood.

Not unless the scum team, but everyone is forgetting that Dama’s forgot to wisp. And if Dama is seeker now and was converted last night then even if Frost is BD Dana would have RB and still be Cult.

Or Frost was converted last night by Dama which makes the most logical sense.

None of these things are reasons why we shouldn’t at least hear him out

Also, a just as likely scumteam is NozBugz who converted you.

Then frost would say Dama is RB.

You want me to crier again, fine.

We both know you could still do this as Apostle.

You can’t Royal announcement as apostle. Unless I am mistaken.


Cult points can be used to bring back abilities as your old class

Can I post an image or will that modkill me?

@Marluxion is it just me who’s thinking Noz/Sam scumteam?

If it’s from your class card, it’ll modkill you.

I’m thinking Noz is scum for sure
but I want Frostwolf to test Dama first.

No I screenshots it from the link. Where all the classes are posted.