Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Order is pointless as BD anyway.

But couldn’t you get converted?

I can, but I’m gonna bear on convert nights to make sure I don’t. Right now I’m confirmed town as I just got Rezzed.

so this is me, 100% town marl saying
If you ever stop announcing at the SoD, you’re dead kiddo
whether it be by my wolf or our votes

@Marluxion you are a butt for random wolfing night two, instead of protecting yourself when you were town leading Lel.

It let our healers confirm themselves at least
and both pug/celeste are confirmed due to that moderror

Still a butt

also it was you, methnor or nozbugz (since you 3 hadn’t hard claimed yet)

Pug is not really confirmed, well Celeste said it first. So pug could just piggy back off Celeste.

in hindsight, i should have wolfed nozbugz
but i figured if noz was scum he’d shoot himself in the foot later anyway

I paired with noz, and prince and paladin weren’t open claimed

Nah, Scum!Pug would lie and say he successfully healed and push on Celeste.

At the time I thought Noz was fool and you were NK
We can’t trust that pairing though since hippo is death immune. (according to nightx)

Fool doesn’t pair with anyone though, right?

Fool pairs with other neutrals he can win with like NK/Alch

nvm i’m dumb fool and king dont pair with anyone

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Frost paired myself and noz. Pretty sure

Heck, who did hippo pair then? Me and Pug right?

PKR and Methnor