Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win


Sam that’s witch trial

If only I wasn’t King…

Then I could be your colourful loyal wolf

No you’re all in hell

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Alfa dont say anything please.

If she floats she’s guilty. If she sinks she’s innocent.

Any defence before we all execute you??

No you shut up

Have you ever been in the woods? There are fucking bugs everywhere and it smells because some deer shat on dirt everywhere

It’s pretty much hell

i Guess execute the cultist then no defence

Tropical wood is the best though

The trees are pretty

WTF kind of camping do you go on?


Everyone /execute

The less exotic ones.

I’ve camped on a beach before while in Borneo. Only thing, huge spiders and mosis. The mosquito nets made it so much hot sleeping under them though

Why so agressive

You pregnant or something?


So no defense?/

What defense

I’m not on trial

Dama isn’t in trial

I tried to bait him into a trial and maybe he would scum slip. AND you Marluxion ruined everything

Are you stupid