Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

honestly this is the most pkr thing you have ever said. being the least useful BD class and claiming if ur alive we win.


I’m as good as hard confirmed considering nobody’s CCing.

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I have bears and pkr is immune once still

I’m waiting for the noz pally cc

You’re wolfing tonight, right Marl?

Nah. As I sais. Would never side with the Cult

and then for him to actually flip paladin lul

If meth wants to check pug I can bear instead

@Sam17z now, let’s be realistic here.
Who’s wolfy gonna side with…
Cult or his boyfriend?

Pug claiming at the start of d2 makes him a likely convert

I am more confirmed than Pug btw. Pug just pickybacked off celeste’s results.

I can check Pug tonight.


That’s why we’ll check pug while you just get the bomb

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Why cant you bomb pug and check me??

the phys alt is insane too

or am I thinking of the right one

Because you keep flailing and it’s sus af

Sam, if you’re town, you should agree to this plan.
It’s best for all of us as town.
Your reactions certainly don’t say town my friend…

Cuz ur more sus and u don’t wanna be bombed

If Pug is actually BD I’d rather have a Physician than a Noble.