Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I* think you’re at a point of no return tbf Sam…

“If methnor checks me and he gets a BD check what happens I live. If Celeste bombs me and I flip Physician an innocent BD that’s better than a Noble dies”

Pretend Pug said that.

I’ll assume this was meant as to tell me to bomb Sam?

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Astute as ever I see.

TBH, can a screenshot my class and be modkilled please.
@Queen_Alfa I am suffering here

You can but you’ll prolly be banned for a bit

No just take the bomb looks a man

For intentionally breaking rules


Nah, I know you’re suffering, and I’m enjoying it


We’re still gonna win sam your life isn’t that important.

So is that a yes or no??

Take the bomb like a freakin man



You saying, you as Cult or you as scorned??

Thanks Alfa.
I enjoy it too.
So glad to see I’m not the only one like this.

The despair is real with this one

Even Junko would be pleased with this

Y’know what’d be hilarious? He screens his Noble card and flips apostle

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Because you know I am noble and that BD is making a mistake