Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I’ll fite you hippo



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Hippo was modkilled for unforseen circumstances, they were a light theme user


I mean Grimm in D&D got us into lots of trouble so like he’s not wrong

You saying you bearing Prince was a good thing after I said that before realising the horrible truth of what you had done?

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As it pseudo proved two healers, yeah


Gotchya now


Nice reaction :^]

:wink: me always have good reactione

plus she’s one of the first 5 or so on the list :wink:

Quality angleshooting, I’m in :clap:

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Sorry outted rngods cool? Erginwish rant octopus retracts.

Too bad ‘being Celeste’ isn’t enough grounds to hang someone :wink:

WOW ROOD >:( fite me

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And you did it before! cough Upick now try again

Bomb Sam and then me
You can fight my pet bear :^]

Dont worry I havent wasted a stoneskin… oh wait it bypasses… FUHHH

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Celeste, you was commanded by Mole to bomb Sam anyway.
So just ignore the hunter for now. I did last night in dead chat.
He was boring me a lot.

Let’s end this!

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My bears name is canonically robflop btw