Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

alright then Marl.

thanks for correcting me.
Idk if I’d rather be bombed or have Sam bombed.

I feel like Sam was the convert still tbh.

I just sort of want to be bombed so I won’t be converted

Alright, my sacrifice will be for the Blue Dragon’s victory.

Bomb me Celeste

Just to reiterate
@Margaret BOMB PUG. NOT SAM.
@Methnor Check Sam.

Everything else stays the same.
Ready to hammer whenever you are, wofly.

in case mods didn’t see it



And now we wait

can you publicly /decide fate execute just so we can make sure we’re waiting on the same thing? lel

If he’s already hammered wolfy can just say he’s not using decide fate.

is he already hammered?

/execute in case he isn’t

Well technically, decide fate cmshoukd be used in pms while those on stand still have their defence.

But yeah. I sent that in

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@Marluxion, @Queen_Alfa

The king has decided the fate of NozBugz… and he has been executed.

He had no journal.

His class was Knight.

Day 4 ends.

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Since the game is literally going to end today in this post I’m not sending out results (Cause I’m lazy and it’s 2 am)

Dama died, he was The Cult leader

Here’s his journal

Dama the Princess
N1: Flirt with Marl: Killer/Offensive


Like the last soldier upon a battlefield, where the king had fallen and the generals had retreated. My brain was muddled, refusing to process what the eyes had perceived. The sword I had held for so long slipped through my fingers. Blood and sweat poured down my skin under the armour I donned. I panicked. I thought of a way to live. A way to get out of this predicament. But then I realised.

It didn’t matter.

Something snapped. But it was all right. Everything was just fine. I could think clearly now. My king, my hope, had failed me. The generals, my leaders, had abandoned me. My comrades, my friends and brothers, had died before me. What did I have left? Honour? Justice? Altruism?

Those words sounded funny when they didn’t matter anymore.

My mouth laughed. A high pitched, inhuman scream. But that was fine. I was just a dead man. I picked up my sword, tainted with blood. But that was okay. I was just another commoner forced into conscription. The enemy came. I laughed. Their blades could not kill me. Their weapons could not touch me.

Because I would kill myself before they arrive before me.

Frostwolf died, he was The Maid

Here’s His journal

Frostwolf103’s kawai maid journal:

D1 N/A
N1 Matchmake NozBugz and Moleland - compatible
D2 Serve tea for Sam17z - he behaves like royal.
N2 Matchmake NightX and Damafaud -
D3 Serve tea with Methnor - He doesn’t hold the cup right, no royal.
N3 Poke Around Damafaud room - Special
N4 Matchmake Sam17z and PokemonKidRyan

Should you be seeing this, that means the alchemist is attempting to side with the Cult and should Methnor find no positive result on Pug, that means PKR or Sam is the last cult so it’s in your best interest to lynch either of them, should this game not end after this then no more loose ends with the king.

The Blue Dragon has managed to vanquish evil from their castle

The Cowardly king and Alchemist survived


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That was quick.

Okay ranting

The King is Boss which ridiculously get himself killed.
The generals is tech which did some crazy unneeded gambit and THEN retreat to the afterlife.
The soldier is me getting stressed BECAUSE I CAN’T STOP THE STUPIDITY OF THOSE BEFORE ME

I gave up D3 when The Physician is actually the NK which stress the suicidal me more.

But nooo

I have to keep living until the end even if I am dead inside.

I’m not perfect but any negative review on my play THIS game will be responded with denial and rejection of reality.

Gah, why me. Get someone smarter for goodnes sake. At least I won’t be like this if that happened.

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lol at least frost died


Ok then.

[insert negative review here]