Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Remembers Knight Trap

Im the worst kind of Alchemist, the Paranoid Scummy Alchemist. But hey at least I wont die like that alchemist in Carnival or was it FoL 12… Ah oh well

I think it was FoL 12 :thinking: and Carnival isnt still going rite

yes lynch me

Noz must be God if he wants to be lynched :thinking:

I am GOD

And if u asking to get lynched to escape game, Ill always be willing to get out of this Alch class card :wink:

UNLESS you are NK, in which Ill gladly keep my Alch class card.

Or its a cult game

HEYYYY MAAARRLLL my favorite guy

You are obviously NK and I respect that now pls dont hurt me

You are the only she in this game BTW Celeste

Besides mother but she’s our host :smile:


What if Im the Prince and just told my prisoner to not say anything (Thats not what happened btw)

And why ignore my NK comment :thinking:**

U normally answer my suspicions quickly, suspicious… but I dont really care. Have a good game I guess :woman_shrugging:

Celeste is the second best female here.
Alfa is the second worst tbh


Awwe thanks PKR for calling me the second best female in the world

Because I’m not claiming today

This doesn’t say in the whole world…
Quite the opposite actually

Here could mean here on Planet Earth :wink: