Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Why Noz

let me commit senpukku

Not a good reason when I can bomb u and show town im wasting them so they wont think im terrible

lynch me for free town win


At least wolf me first

either hunter or 200 IQ fool play

Im hoping Hunter so I can get wolfed

No, Noz is always extremely foolish no matter what he is.
This is NAI.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he flipped Prince

fuckin lynch me, i can’t suicide

Prince can kill you tonight noz

i don’t want him to lose exes, lynch me or i will suicide SOMEHOW tonight

You aren’t getting lynched
A hunter can wolf you tonight

Why is noz gamethrowing if not fool :thinking::thinking:

because jesus i want to die right now due to my class.

Let the hunter wolf you tonight then

don’t bother, i’ll be dead

alright then everyone.

I am a Physician, my first heal was on Dama and Dama did not require it.

I’m thinking Cult game and a slower NK

inb4 its fucking electro again

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I think it’s Cult though