Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

pokes alfa

No, she’s sensitive to tickles!


I want Revenant :c

/confirm just incase

Who’s our kingu?

I’ll announce king when he confirms

So yes I figure it’s not the time yet to confirm our classes yet.

Its obviously me


Got something to say Hippo?

oh also it’s the confirming stage scrubs

I did but then I didn’t wanna be mean so I changed my mind.

/vote celeste


Hippo dont do this im not with D1 lynches in this game. Marl do u get what im saying

Fine /vote PKR

I’m cold steeling you tonight don’t worry bb

:thinking: should I hardclaim and be serious this game or should I never claim :thinking:

Pls dont joke, dont make me waste an ability

Don’t bother Alfa will announce your exact class at the end of D2.

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