Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

@PokemonKidRyan Why are you immune to death?

I’ll write my current list of claims

Celeste - Alch claim
Pug - Phys claim
Marl - Poss claim
? - Prince

nobody else has claimed

Someone else did

It was a very soft claim though

no lynching Marl all.

He can find the Unseen/Cult for us as a poss

Hippo claimed Phys


Hm wait marl are you really why not wait a day and have a death note outing pkr?

Yeah thats who claimed

I’ll write my current list of claims

Celeste - Alch claim
Pug - Phys claim
Marl - Poss claim
Noz - Knight claim?
? - Prince

nobody else has claimed

Celeste - Alch claim
Pug - Phys claim
Hippo - 2nd Phys claim
Marl - Poss claim
Noz - Knight claim?
? - Prince

nobody else has claimed

3 Healers so far :thinking:

Did one of you heal PKR last night?

aight then, two physicians it seems for now.

oh and an alch

I am not immune to death
I also slept peacefully to my knowledge so…
I have no clue

No, I was jailed

I healed Dama. not required

What are you actually claiming, if you say PKR is immune?

Marl scorned? :thinking:

Marl wouldnt it show as it worked if he was healed?

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Hippo most likely targetted you Marl cuz u important in every game