Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

So PKR is MM/CL?

I don’t
I just know he wasn’t immune to my nonexistent attack

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I’ll exhume if I’m needed to and confirm the NK or evil faction

Where tf did that logic jump come from?


Scum slip confirmed, Lel. Pkr and marl are cult

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Does anyone have a lead other then marls scum bait there

oh hi mark

Pretty sure you’d have died from an NK attack as cult leader

Heal Marl tonight. Thats your most important target since I cant trust u with the Prince.

Marl probably Fool tbh.

I’d suggest Knight CS marl

Is everyone calling me scum?
Alfa… Help… I don’t like the memes :frowning:

You heal Prince. I don’t want Prince as I could be converted at any time

Nah Pug heal Marl. This is a little incentive… takes out Emerald splash

I wouldn’t have tried to do a bait like that if i wasn’t a bd class who could confirm themself

I doubt Marl is neutral.

I think he’s BD/Cult/Unseen

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PKR is either scum or converted

Also I’ll heal PKR just because he asked for all protectives on him n1

You’d be correct

Wait, are you not scum?

SFoL 16.5 is just my favorite to joke about