Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

alright then. Don’t wolf me

do. da da. do do da da do do da dodadada

Alright PKR has a point.

I’m not trying to push you to claim btw

Yeah, don’t claim
/Vote PokemonKidRyan

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You’re overreacting. My vote remains

/vote Moleland

he’s pushing PKR for seemingly no reason other than to just get a claim out of him so sorry Mole.

I’m making myself more sus by doing this but idc

/vote pkr

If you’re that important you can be protected PKR

inb4 someone says PKR + Pug scumteam

You know what.
I’m not playing in a meme game
Replace out

My fake claim wasn’t even a meme, i was trying to bait a reaction out of you
and i don’t like your reaction. normally, you’d have gone full offensive on my play
Why didn’t you?

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Nuuu I’ll need to find aomeone else then :C

i’m having flashbacks of Smiths… right Marl?

well, rip PKR.

I like how people assuming voting means you want a claim from someone
2 votes does not a trial make


I will not humour the pettiness that is this game so far.
If you guys are going to meme and make me claim D2 due to the fucking PKR is scum meme, then I won’t deal with it.

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btw, vote is still staying on Mole because I find him a bit scummy.

Idc if my logic is flawed, then again I’m not very smart

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Nothing I’ve done so far has been a meme, this is the most serious i’ve taken a game D2.
My vote on you is 100% serious.


sheep flashbacks, is this just me or you and me both?