Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

my fucking god

Oh noes, I need to find replacement

Nice confusing attempts to scum hunt as fucking around


Wow, grow up. If you’re going to Appeal to emotion at the slightest pressure then stop playing. No one was wanting a claim, they just wanted you to stop being scummy, or explain.


Anyway, I posted it in ToL Discord

You have got to be kidding me


I’ll exhume someone as soon as possible

trying to drag a friend in from another site

  1. Solid insult telling me to grow up
  2. Yeah, how about you swivel? I’m not stopping playing on my passion
  3. Bullshit. People did want my claim as they literally said
  4. I tried to explain and also you want me to stop being scummy? Maybe take this game as seriously as you usually do then everyone as this is a wreck and you’re ruining what has been a great series on here

it can give quite a few leads tbh.

also my only friend I could ever really ask has no idea what he’d be doing

so yeah, I can’t ask him

we are not having someone who doesn’t know anything about ToL/FoL playing a possible Priest

He wouldn’t have done this as BD I’m pretty sure
He would have immediately assumed that there was scum motivation behind his push like he always does as town

We asked you for an explanation after telling you we were dead serious, not fucking around, and your only response was ‘stop fucking around’.

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Funny final post :thinking:

If you’re going to throw your toys out the pram because you got reaction tested, looked weird and attracted votes, that’s on you.

I know that marl i was reacting to his drop out he shouldnt drop out just for us wanting to put him up

can we all please stop fighting


let’s continue on with the game.


I came here for the game. Not to hear a petty argument


Well we cant till we have a replacement

Continuing this push is continuing the game
The person who takes PKR’s spot is going to have to deal with the mess he made