Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

anyway alfa, pls no modkill and 1 month suspension

shoots Celeste

Like to join the gunfire

nah, I’m night, day, poision, and occupy immune

anyway, I’d suggest CW barriers on PKR.

Anyways stop complaining and play c:

Why is it always my games where shit hits the fan?


That would be a great idea.

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Celeste, you know you can yolobomb Alfa

Can we talk about Pug’s early Phys claim?

This implies you believe him 100%
I still think the way he reacted was suspicious

Pretty sure pug is a fool


Either it was a scum claim or he is 100% BD

or fool.

I believe Pug cuz Phys is impossible to confirm so yeah, no smart scum would willingly claim Phys

Okay… Before I leave let me say these small things:

  1. Marl saying I was night immune. Now, why didn’t I just vote him immediately? Nobody in their right mind would claim NK as any form of scum except fool. So voting Marl is EXTREMELY counter intuitive
  2. Why did I get frustrated? Before this game started and even earlier this day, even if you didn’t vote me for the memes, you have mentioned memes and made it seem like a basis for a vote then using my frustration to back it up (Cough. Mole. Cough). Furthermore this was all after dealing with something else which caused a heck ton of frustration for me already earlier today. So I was already built up to explode
  3. Why did I claim? I had like 6 votes on me and I warned you not to push me to this. I honestly felt that you guys just didn’t care and you was pushing me for a joke and to just draw out a bad reaction from me. I have a huge passion for this and the forums, so I won’t let us lose by mislynching me here even if it means I had to claim when I think it was unjust
  4. Was my claim honest? Yes, I am a priest. If I was investigated by Princess, I am support/social in class pairings. I probably shouldn’t have claimed. But maybe this will teach you all to think more next time

I feel I need to say something important

I claim Phys

No freaking mass claim please.

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but yeah, let’s have no mass claim, it can easily ruin a game

With Hippo and Pug claiming Physician it’s pretty important

Hippo didn’t actually claim phys