Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Yeah, I thought that was obvious
If you pay attention to typing styles, you can tell who the noble is btw
I won’t out them though

Still tired… and about to sleep a bit more. Just reading to catch up foe a bit

But do you mean… Emerald Splashu



I only wanted you dead because you were king wolfy
don’t take offense to it :cry:

I’m more of an emeraldo splashu man myself

Kinda annoyed this is a gif and it doesn’t appear to work…

Tried using the upload icon
me help


And before I go back to sleep

We have Priest?!?! Been so long since we had one

(Also, how u do gifss!!! :pouting_cat:)

Did I help

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I just copied and pasted a link
i’m pretty sure we have a ritualist
You think that whole thing from Ryan was townplay? @Wolfy

I slept peacefully. Both ingame and IRL while day was going on and came back to 650+ posts. REEEEEEEEEE


You seemed to be able to confidently read pkr in previous games
give it a whirl this time and tell me what you think

You know what, reading through Tech’s messages…

Marl you have a point.

He seems pretty scummy, I’d at least want a claim with him.
/vote Techwolves

I am the absolute worst at reads.

and I shall exhume someone when I can…

(inb4 I get voted up for sheeping. Sheep gotta sheep, okay)

I’m confident when I have reason to be. Last game I had a reason to be. So far, not so much. I don’t really have a strong hunch either way, but I’m willing to trust the Priest claim at the moment so I’ll go with a slight townlean. It’ll be provable in the future and as such is not a pressing issue right now. Sheriff/Paladin can always check him if he seems too sus.

I’m just going to say my opinion on the game as it stands.

I’ll be guessing Cult and a slow NK

my definition of slow nk: (druid, electro)

Anyway Meth, if he says his resurrect got redirected.

I think we know what to do here…

We’ll know if it’s a druid by the end of the day
Electro we’ll know before anyone dies
So for now, until proven otherwise, let’s assume the NK was prevented by a CW / Jail.

alright then, I’m still assuming Cult game.

That’s future Meth’s problem, Pug.
For now it’s probably best to get some claims from other people. (not mass-claim though because that’s getting mass-lame)