Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

You ok there dama?


No kItty calm down

Repeat after your innerself

You are not impatient

Yeah Dama, don’t claim…

I’ll be on you tonight fyi Tech

Not okay

I think I’m on to something but if I’m on to something it’s bad

Thanks pug ill bring up if i find any cult

This rash claim seems kind of sus, you were very lightly pressured and just revealed yourself as the power investigative?

bring us death mother
/Vote Insanity

I’m only believing this if there aren’t any counterclaims.

@Methnor i didnt plan to claim till later but i made myself sus


PKR (3) - Mole, Noz, NightX,
Tech (1) - Pug
Hippo (1) - Sam
Insanity (1) - Marl

No counterclaims doesn’t mean anything at this point. It’d be a bad move for the real PI to come out now for what may end up being a Fool, or scum trying to bait.

Pug’s Updated D2 Claimlist

Wolfy - probably BD King
Pug - Phys
NightX - Phys
Celeste - Alch
Tech - Paladin

Noz - Knight
PKR - Priest

well to fix it, Noz assumedly a knight softclaim

tbh actually about Wolfy.

He hasn’t said too much so I’ll rest on Wolfy’s faction for a bit until he says more

You could’ve tried to logically defend your actions or actually try to find someone scummier than yourself

You also didn’t need to claim as you weren’t even close to a trial
Don’t forget those exist

This is frustrating

I tech’s claim get me an info I don’t like at all

Uh dama care to resend that?

hey marl, can you show us your sus list?

(not including me as I know I’m on it already)