Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

The hidden vote is gone…


/vote Methnor

Basically they know I am going to do it, so it’s not TechWolves, Insanity, PKR or Celeste.

It’s him or me.

And should I be executed and not flip as Acolyte, Methnor need to be executed by Prince so he can’t show different class on morning announcement.

One of the four people not on the list is Acolyte.

It can’t be Marluxion since he already voted on Insanity and that’s public knowledge with his name on Insanity as the hidden vote suddenly appeared, he voted me one hour later.

It’s not possible for Acolyte to have hidden double vote, can he? All players on you as NightX, TechWolves and Insanity public voters will not be suspected as Acolyte.

/vote nightx

Now of course, I am basing that on activity again - but let me explain few things:

Insanity can’t be Acolyte since he would be voting himself with his hidden vote, that would be nice trick to fool us but gain little of that if he’s actually Acolyte and hammered to death.

Celeste claims Alchemist and jailed, the first thing that Cult always, always do is brainwash someone to join their little group and not using BoM (To kill someone by the price of losing one cult member which leaves only the CL alive, which is not worth losing special cult member)

So two people I mentioned above will be eliminated as suspects for now, leaving this up to four left - TechWolves, Methnor, myself and PKR.

PKR had nearly ragequit moment and returns after being cooled down, claiming Priest. I am going to believe him for now.

TechWolves claims to be maid and did rather strange thing by asking maid ability mechanic publicly on thread rather do it on class pm which the host or co-host can answer questions if the player is unsure how their class works, while he could have voted by now but I am not going to let him drop out of suspect list just yet.

Methnor may have not contributed much and I did do not any better either.

Frost i didnt i asked a mod not in public

I brought it up to the mod when it was mentioned

So there was a big missunderstanding before i went to bed

Uhh wot

Elaborate Sonic fanboi 97

Oh I just realized it’s coming from Methnor

Basically when you guys asked about the whole maid thing i tagged alfa so she could see celeste frost missread who asked

Vote count

NightX - 3 votes - Pug, Boss110
Techwolves - 4 votes - Sam17z, NozBugz, Moleland, NightX
Insanity - 3 votes - Wolfy, Hippolytus, Damafaud
Frostwolf103 - 1 vote - Marluxion
Methnor - 1 vote - Frostwolf103

Majority is 9.

/vote TechWolves

Sorry about that.

Techwolf’s vote is hidden

/Vote Tech

Wait I already voted them

Well I was wrong about letting him imprisoned for night.

Now we need to figure out who’s the cult leader and converted member, let alone the NK.

Not even hidding i screwed up royally -_- i give up not dropping i know im dead first cult game and i get a clase that hides all votes for the day when its used ugh