Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I don’t want to be king, I want all the juicy fuckin info from having a king die

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nonononon i want hug from marl


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Y̷̰͚̺̩̾̈́̀͗̈ǫ̵̨̡̻͉̝̮̰̘̝̻̟̞̰͍̂͆͑̂̿͑̐͒̔̒̍̆̿͝ư̴̡̢̲͉̼̹̿͊͑̔̍͐̀͋̂̊͘͝͝r̶̦̼̬̥͉̞̬͙̯̖̬͓̭̅̾̏͊́̿́́ ̶̪̙̭̥̭̹̳͇́ͅș̶̡͎̓o̶̡͍̘̖͙̪̬̐̎̆̇́̽͑̂̓̇͊̋͘͝͝u̷͉͈̳̲̻̺̇̀̒̇̀̈́̐̍͌͗̌͋ļ̷̧̰̟͈͉̫̳͚͌̐͂̾͘̕̕͘ ̵̤̂͗̿̈́̿̀̀͘͝i̴̢̛͈͖͉̣̬̠͔̱̾̽̾́̍͒̓͋̎͛̈́͒̿̾s̸͎͓͉̭̫̜̳͇̋͗̿́ ̸̜̥̳̜̻̰̠̎́̀͑̋͆̚ṉ̷̡̨̧̨̘̮̪͇̮̟̑̏̍̎̈́͗̾́̑̔̑͊͜͝͠ͅo̵͈̰̯͔̍̀̊̽̈́͘͝͝͠͝ẃ̸̟̟̘̜̦̱̰̼͔͓̝͌̑͘͝ ̶͈̟̼͇̩̙̈́̐͊̓́̈͝m̶̳̺̙̲̠̜͋͐̀̅̿̂͘͝͝i̵̢̲̱̭̭͙͋͌́̿͌́̚͝n̵̨̯̲̥̮̥̦̬̹͊͌̀̄̋̾̏̐̽͑͘͠ę̴̛͚̣̺̗̙̥̯͉̲̆̏̈́̊̍́̒̎̌̀͝ͅ


Hey Meth, let’s hope you roll something better than investigator again right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha, ha, ha!
Fake laugh, hiding real pain.

Poor thing…

That’s lot of unconfirmed people but okay

I will be taking requests for both Bombs & Heals, mention me with your request and ill add it to a random spinner! I of course will have full control of my day ability <3

I’ll only do this on odd nights btw

/confirm Celeste as Unseen

Rood Night

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I would really appreciate a heal this night Celeste. Do that, and it will be really beneficial to you

Kay any other requests?

Marl asked you to attempt to kill the king, right?


Not really. As I said, it would be beneficial to you. But then arguebly, it could benefit anyone

Dont know if i can though

You can. I just wouldn’t reconmend it… As it can benefit you…