Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

/vote boss

Majority have reached, can we start deciding fate now?


Boss110 is now on trial.


I am not sure about him…

>can we start deciding fate


My personal highlight so far


I don’t trust his claim. Also, Noz is already a knight claim who is confirmed to have the same faction as Mole.
So unless noz is like fool and mole is nk this execute should be fine.

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Well Frost I am not royal blood so… let’s get frost.

I was thinking and conversion is technically after Invest results so Noz if knight could be invoker. If we have any occupied or redirects they should be our first Lynch.

/vote execute

This Knight claim is dumbus mcsprungus

Also everyone fyi. Tonight is Cult’s kill night unless CL was occed yesterday

even tho erad is different here.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Cult doesn’t attack

Oh snap.


Well, I think we found our CL/Fool

We could always exe Frost tommorow. But let’s exe boss here.

Any occupiers should occupy Frost.

If occ immune/unable to visit. It will confirm him as Fool

So what then? Occupier on Frost if he plans to make a kill tonight?

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yeah, occs on Frost. It’ll tell us if he’s occ immune or not.

Occ immune = Fool
Not immune = CL

Just back

What did Boss claim? His read is weird at best so I think I miss something

Could there be 2 maids if there is 1 noble?