Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

I’d say let the paladin check on me and see how he reacts, but he need protection.

Heal the prince. You know who he is, yes?

Yes 80% but 20% not sure now :thinking:

What was your service result?

We know the noble exist

What do you think?

He said he got a positive - Meaning you DO have royal blood.

Well, or so he says. Could be lying

Let’s death tunnel frost.

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Hippo claims Maid and did also got Royal Blood positive on someone, he just need to say if he used this on Sam as well, he should answer yes - otherwise he better not out him.

Sam, stop squirming.


Who is on trial


no one’s said anyone is on trial

Well I am really not going to entertain this thought any longer. I DO have royal blood and I think frost is maid. Instead of backing away from his result he doubled down and used service. Showing I have royal blood. So Frost is maid.

I tried to see how frost would react.

Here you go.

It was obvious you had rb, esp after I said I had someone as rb and said I thought u were noble.

I doubt I got invoked by targeting myself, because I would receive that -I- am not royal.

It fits the mood. April fools. Where is Nerbins when we need him.

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