Forum of Lies 13 - Blue Dragon, Cowardly King, and Alchemist Win

Slept peacefully by the way, but I will be back in at least two and a half hours.


I slept peacefully after I healed ze Prince

By the way, CW.

Can you barrier me tonight?

I have some premonition about getting converted.

Electro doesn’t work like that. If we had one, it would have been announced once electro discharged sinve it’s a day ability. That confirms there’s one like the druid. Therefore, I’m likely inclined to believe we have something else.

This means more than likely we have no electro

Even Druid would announce everyone with their day ability, no I am beginning to think this is demon game.

I would like to announce what I found, but since Hippo said it first - he get the honors.

But for my hint, I checked someone with known claim and another without a claim.

I slept peacefully.
PKR should absolutely revive tonight or he’s in trouble.

You probably should have said first frost.

Frostwolf and Sam are not compatible. I believe sam is probably the convert as was suggested yesterday, whiche explains boss saying there were no converts.

There is also a possibility frost is the NK but I don’t buy frost as the convert. I can also see frost as scorned or fool, esp as he said he got an incompatible today.

CW is on me tonight.
We’ve already had that agreed.
If anyone wants to claim CW and isn’t on me, then they’ll be killed

In this case who would be the best person to vote today then? And I swore Sam said he didn’t have Royal Blood, and he just then said himself he wants to take over as King?

I would like Frostwolfs matchmaking results before we do anything else.

I swear…

I feel like I’m going blind right now. It was either Tech saying Frost has RB or something

NightX and Damafaud are not compatible, I am sorry Hippo but what is this fake result of yours? Sounds to me you are Scorned. Sam claimed he’s not Noble and I do not have Royal Blood.

NightX claimed to be Physician while Dama haven’t claimed

He was toying with everyone as far my memory collects and later confirms that he did have indeed RB I find out yesterday, Hippo in other hand also mentions to have RB result on someone positive but didn’t mention who specifically yesterday, therefor my alibi who got RB positive is true.

He did? I did say Sam have RB positive so what Hippo suggest is pack of lies.

So what is the follow-up after my viewing my results to everyone:

Hippo claims me and Sam are not compatible, now either Hippo is right about Sam or ME being convert or he just dun goofed.

My results is while NightX isn’t confirmed Physician yet, we have something to consider about him and Damafaud.

As I said, probably remembering right now and currently cannot check ISOs since I’m on mobile.

Ah ok that make sense.