Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Dama is the reason alchs claim physician.

Keep this in mind.

CL: Meme without a doubt.

Potential converts: Nuke, Pug, Frost, Max, Mole, Squid, Insanity.

eeeesh that is a long list.

Hang on a sec we don’t need to heal anyone if the CL is jailed.

No no no I’m still useful

@Kirefitten in your opinion who is most likely BD out of Nuke, Pug, Frost, Max, Mole, Squid, Insanity

Well when I said pug I wasn’t lying.

It just made sense tbh.

My order of people I think are converted from are


I forgot max and insanity were even in the game tbh

Max was barriered N3 and didnt claim untill D3 right?

He claimed D3 I think.

i claimed d3, yep

Frost claimed D2 and Max claimed D3 im p sure.

Are you a good noble boi?

don’t worry i’m not converted

sure i’ll bounty or order anyone

Guess he’s not converted guys

I agree I think Max is most likely town out of them.

@Htm Debt MrMaximusPrime please.

I doubt insanity/max was converted because I forgot they were even in the game

Yeah because you and the CL are the same person and therefore have the exact same thoughts :roll_eyes:


That quote is gonna bite me in the ass when Meme flips alch and FK flips CL lel

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Best cl fakeclaim 2018