Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!


Now please tell me you are not scum

actually I hope you are scum because you’re easy to find as scum

i will convert dama agin this game :wink: /s

Don’t you dare.

Dama did nothing wrong

Then the joke is bad

/hidden blade Boss

/ s


I blame it on PKR not to confirm me long enough to conclude I am visiting like Physician claim would, except he thinks I am lying.

Which is uncalled for.

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but you said time to convert that mystic n3 :thinking:

Probably, but I have no chance either way.



Because both of Cheesy and Mole would be executed either way, first convert attempt failed at N1.

So yeah again, no chance.

Night 1 will start a few hours later today.

Does scum have a day chat?

Important update: Yes, this game will be played with scum day chat enabled.

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Anything is the same like on FoL13 or is there something else that is updated and not aware?


No Fool/Revenant
72/24 day/night hours
24 hour inactivity prods / 36 hour inactivity (total) replacements
Scum chat both day and night

That should be all.

Also Warlock is in play.

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In before someone claims BD pretending to be fool turned out to be MM.

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I claim BD pretending to be fool!