Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Yeah your right actually lol

I dunno, not active r n?

They were both just on


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Meme my saviour!!!

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So this proves in two conclussions

King lied or you lied.

Not this hard huh?

>Bastard mechanic has joined the server




Frost I’m confirmed u hoe

read, it’s fun

Why do you literally have to accuse everyone who wants to hang you of being scum. Every single game.

Never said that, you need to read.

I shall vote whoever you vote.

If they convert you I shall still vote.

Just don’t exclude yourself as scum, this screams lamist. Confirmed or not.

If you are confirmed and everyone knows it then you can remove yourself as possible scum.

I am excluded as scum cuz im confirmed frost

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beautiful. encore please.


Who else?