Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Can I help?


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someone convince me this is a good idea


Only if u join

There are no bastard rules :smiley:

on hte other hand I’m not playing FoL until the glariing balance issues are fixed.
still salty about losing in FoLT by the way

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remove prince


no, remove

The Rev is gone, so you don’t have to deal with him

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it was the fact thta Cult is basically 100% fucked in most games that’s the problem.

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There is no Fool

Do you not know how painful Rev is?

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To play as to


i don’t want to get an insant loss if I rand scun
so I’m not joining

And playing against is tedious


We need u D:

No rev though :sob:

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Is warlock here?

It is

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