Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

MaximusPrime, what you said make no sense.

ehhh i don’t trust nuke for some reason but ok

/vote Whamm sorry

you make less sense tbh

Whammerist is now on trial.


Quote it, if you are talking about SFoL25 then we don’t talk about it.

Frost is pretty solid BD - Self healing night one as phys is a meh play IMO

Unless he made himself as target at D1 then he has no reason to self heal.

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So yes, let’s wait for Whamm’s defense.

He already made his defense

not while he was on trial

my defense has been already posted
you all can post


Yeah well.


Nice knowing you, NK.

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Unless someone can confirm that Whamm isn’t covered in vines by other investigative, there’s no counter-evidence available as far I am aware.


ok well can someone like
do that tonight?

They have to say it now.

Vines would have blocked the night one investigation.

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They did. That’s why I am exeing.

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That’s what I am saying, I would love someone contradict Nuclear just in case so until then, Whamm is guilty.

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