Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

It’s not

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It would mean someone got attacked but lived? Feels like it.

Or an attack was blocked :thinking:

Whamm tried to disguise his logs I think. He was not druid :blush:

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You are right, even I knew that’s not how disguise work.

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Right now I think that Druid has one person vined cause I didn’t really pay attention to the card and whammerist was Vined.

Am I wrong?

It doesn’t necessarily mean one player, Druid could use the day ability to vine two people tonight but has cooldown I think.

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So since I couldn’t vote yesterday because we found a cult Ima go for a

/Vote Hippo

Why hippo?

lol no

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Any objections?

No? I found him as mafia N0 obviously!

(Me trying to make up for not being able to vote randomly yesterday)

Instead of ‘no u’, can you provide counter?

Hold on, what did you say exactly?

Me trying to vote randomly yesterday was interrupted by nuke and I was very sad even though he found a cult.

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How’s life? No OMGUS :wink:

I didn’t say no u I just know fire is meming and has nothing against me cuz im town

“no u” implies I fosd fire which I don’t

Who were the Noble claims again? :thinking:

I’m not meming I’m trying to play well this game.

@NuclearBurrito you got anything for us

Not necessarily cult, between me and Whamm he got incompatible result and I claimed Noble. So I was actually hoping for 50/50 NK chance but it ended up with Cult.


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meming is not the right word. What I meant is that it’s not a vote with intent to push.

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What is your claim list?

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