Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

I’m not sadly.

Im have a s in my class type tho

Ok im bombing u

Which is exactly why you are dying

You’re most likely to be jailed, but go ahead if that’s not the case

Special :o:

You are being jailed.

:clap: How did you guess

Cant jail me if im not in castle runs away

Oh no :frowning:

Shit we actually have TOO MANY BD alive rn. There are like 6 people who could be the convert and we have so few invests that it’s really hard to know who.

traps Meme in an ice ward

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Frost what did you do last night?

Im pally

omg same we’re like brothers

C is unlikely since when he has confirmation that I cannot be trusted, he will keep occupying me until I get immunity from occupy abuse

Or I could take D and convert Maid claim, and let him have Matchmake so everyone wouldn’t know any difference.

Now it is possible to have Scorned and Alchemist claim - however that means Firekitten will be Cult Leader in process of elimination.

Game plan

@Htm you are guarding prince. IF PRINCE DIES. Um. you die? Vote pug now.

Prince jails and exe meme.

Cw barrier noble(s)
Nobles bounty.
Joker does whatever

Gg ez

I checked htm he is culg /vot htm

We have a convert though, maybe 2, of the “confirmed” people.

@Memesky Uh what? I thought you claimed Alch

You dont care about noots :frowning: