Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!


There is alch :3

Because we have no other protectives due to the double CW double Noble lol

Alch dead m8 ur CL

Oh no they caught me meme take me with you

Don’t you agree that Firekitten fits for Cult Leader in my claim space if both Hippo and Memesky claims Neuts?

When did hippo claim neutral?

I’m not neut I’m BD lol.


I would need to see it again. But first I need to get hippo’s claim.

Mole who did you barrier last night?

/voot hippo no u


This is actually a important question

We need to know what Cw Did

Wait… I think I might know what Hippo is, but it’s a guess

Mole/Pug most likely converts imo.

Well technically it won’t matter if you are BD or Neut, but if you flip as one then we know Firekitten or Memesky is CL.

Don’t say to make nuke a little more mad

Instead of guessing help us force him to confirm it

You’ll pay for this when i flip! You’ll pay!

Guess and if it is right I give u cookie.