Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Cuz if so then who the hell is the second Neutral.

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We are suspecting a warlock.

I would say it’s the alch claim if he’s not CL but still/

If it’s the alch claim you are CL

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Then it’s meme

Problem solved

And if alch claim is CL you are neutral?

I’m totally neutral

If there are 2 neutrals you literally have to be the second neutral.

^ this would be true

If I was a neutral

And normally there is a guaranteed 2 non-NK neutrals. I’m just waiting for confirmation that this game is like the others.

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Ah shit fire I’m sus af of you now m8

Good that’s good.
It’s always a good reason to be sus of the cat.

Are you alch? If so that is totally cool and claiming helps us.


I would NEVER Lie about my class

What did Frost and do last night?

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Max ordered M which I believe, what did Frost say he did?

So yeah can we end the day thanks :smiley:

Pug occupied him. Nah p sure Frost started as Noble unless GODLIKE luck and plays as warlock.

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Anyone who hammers is getting ordered and hung.

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Oh no

My plan was foiled

I don’t like this statement it’s spooky