Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

I have no idea lul

because clearly as invoker
i claim phys

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Did you make big fuss at D1 by the way?

Being Invoker is very unlikely, but you being Ritualist is more likely for a Physician claim

what’s a common physician claim

If you tell us ur fellow cult members we may not execute you

i thought i was druid

I thought so too.

You have turned into a cult member

You’re part of the Cult, ya egg head

Filthy pagan vegan tree lover.

i guess whatever gets me exed right

It actually doesn’t matter. Whamm and I got incompatible

yes I know that you’re noble you donk
but so does nuc after you claim it

Wham shoulda claimed a royal tbh

Ewww, incest.

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It would at least got him of the stand

or maybe I should’ve claimed my fucking actual class??

Yeah probably claiming ritualist woulda been more helpful than a self healing physician

i’ll take note

I mean I see nothing wrong in claiming phys as invoker. It wouldn’t be a great strat but it wouldn’t be a bad one either