Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Or an apostle :thinking:


Frost why did your friend order me?

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Good job LOL

That is an anti bd sided question

They would’ve had to be converted N1 then

It doesn’t confirm BD so we don’t check them tonight? Ok.

get max I’m princess and he’s killer offensive

I am not aware of second noble, you know it’s no longer possible to speak.

I’m going to think of it In a weird way.

If whammerist was starting convert who would He ask the CL to convert?

There is no need to tell cult who has been cleared

Say what again?

Stop trolling

So Livi was bountied by Frost :thinking:

So if we get a mislynch on him we should be able to vote up another person rite?

there must be a second noble


Nice Hippo, but why waste time with Max? You know that Max can’t be Druid.

how you know I’m trolling and not scum :thinking:

Woooow what gives you that idea

I’m not K/O actually

Either way you can’t vote so w/e

Are you claiming to be scum btw?

get max boiz