Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

You mean frost, not me. I ordered hippo again

But isn’t Frost already confirmed Noble? Are we using me to confirm him

I ordered Moleland.

Yes. Frost is not scorned

So who shall I order/bounty tonight?

No. We are using you to confirm (and kill) you

what do you mean again I wasnt ordered N1

Yes you were

so livicus ISN’T bountied?

No, I 100% wasnt

Ohhh I see, this way I can’t be converted

I slept peacefully N1 and voted loads yesterday

No he ordered mole N1 I believe

Max this is important are you sure you ordered me N1?

He is bountied, what I meant that Moleland is ordered N1.

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I mean N2

Does occupation show feedback? I actually ordered you n1 tho. Also you didn’t vote D2 as well

Because that means there is probably a scorned or something on me who swapped me away

I did vote D2 i wasnt ordered.

Yes, I did not see you vote D2 since I ordered you n1, check again?