Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!


I debted you

I was roleblocked. Are you sure you debted me?

Also you wasted Max’s bounty

You were suppose to debt frost

You were :thinking:


Wait does that mean we have a invoker. Looks at pug :eyes:

No Max did. I didn’t even come on after M had cc’d because he cc’d so late. I assumed Pally obviously realised what was going on so wouldn’t cc lol.

Fake claiming is BD motivated? Don’t make me laugh.

/Vote Hippo

What is your real class. NOW

hahahaha nice joke

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Not joking. I never joke in the middle of a FoL game

K so I’m guessing we have a invoker.

Who is dumb enough to occupy a person who claimed pally?

@Htm who did you debt? are you sure it was me?

I’m not scum m8

Don’t believe you. Prove it

Yeah I did debt you I think

Double check please.

Do you really think I am scum lawl?

/Vote Pug

We have now got a invoker /Evil/Neutral king to deal with

Yes. Prove me wrong