Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Haha no

I’m an idiot and suggested he invest Dama/Meme both of whom are gonna be ded so he might not have much. He needs to start jumping on the claimed.

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Honestly the convert almost HAS to be Pug or Mole. MAYBE squid but I doubt it.

Or Nuclear actually

Maid is super strong so is good to get rid of.

Basically we lynch until we find them.

Got it

They can keep converting you know.

Which is why we hope meme is CL and is jailed

Honestly it sounds dumb but I think Cult have the advantage here.

If Meme is CL do we wanna keep him alive.



It’s a not fun for cult move.

But it has to be done!

The only way to do that is have Pug block him and M check him, but if Pug is scum than that doesn’t work.


Let just keep jailing him

Shit this is actually a p good game. Cult being shit and not killing any BD has worked to their advantage.

If he really is Alch and we keep jailing him we insta lose.

So the plan is to jail the CL suspect while we check for the other cult?

Yeah but that is super risky when he is not 100% CL.

Okay here’s the plan.

If joker says meme is cult we keep jailing meme.

If joker says he isn’t we jail and exe meme anyway