Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

vc pending
i’ll fix the title too

You sure? When did that change?

It’s always been the case

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Never changed. It was always a thing

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It never has been, it is a Cult alt instead.


btw I can service frost to make sure he is still royal. If he is converted he might not be.

That’s a Cult alt m8


I am pretty sure royals always keep their royal blood.

That’s ToL

read the text next to it lol

They can choose to

But it costs points.

if I am dying anyway then no reason not to.

Unless I become CL, I would still show as one.

Some original abilities can’t be choosed.

Cult Alt or not, it’s still linking minds.

Let’s vote frost after squid and have m empower check nuke. Exact same outcome but we get to hang frost.

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Frost and Nuke are interchangeable and I feel like frost getting hung would be good for morale.


I think I hit a nerve from scum :thinking:

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anyways he’s still royal. So either he took that or he’s still BD or sometihng

Hippo can’t be scum