Forum of Lies 14 - BD and Scorned win!

Wait so is nuke scorned?

/execute order 66

Vined and imcompatible result and we’re told that investigation would be blocked so…

Yeah I think he is?


Scorned inbound

@NuclearBurrito you have a hour to tell us why you aren’t scorned

Wow, just wow…

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We found a scorned




Not to mention it was kinda shady that Nuclear pocketed me by servicing me, I pretty much claimed Noble after he accuses me.

hey it looks like i was right i believe


So yes…

Now I am kinda worried that he will make me waste abilities to someone else.


You are such bad liar in the end.

I think we let the prince deal with nuke.

Could have pushed me if he hasn’t thought about that service, that fakeclaiming Maid as scum with RB player as target wasn’t clever idea after all.

It appears I know how to play Maid correctly.

For that I got good feeling that Sam17z was Noble before I serviced him back there is because he goes bossing around with words and he didn’t even claim he was Noble, that was during that ‘leaking’ game.

but I am getting ahead of myself, my point is that Nuclear tried to hard to confirm himself as Maid, he end up contradicting.



Actually yes… You wouldn’t have known Wham was in particular scum.

Yeah just in case hes a fool or something or any knight who wants to prove himself