Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

He can use that bind soul for Ashe tomorrow.

I remember a cw claim i just forgot who

Insanity and Boss110

Fair point

U nubs

I still want my jail

You are not important except for Shurian’s safety.

Me is important

For one condition, you are.

Uh how would we prove i did innoc joker XD doubt unseen will willingly bleed him


@Kirefitten Occ me pls


To prove a Warlock

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Shurian would receive notification that you guarded him, besides Warlock does not have occupation immunity - I have no idea why you are suggesting dumb ideas.

Six exes out of eight, you gonna vote or not?

Ok i need a reminder bend reality makes it so people with immunitys dont have it minus prince?


Sorry just the neutral classes of fol still confuse me lol

For Warlock, it will only affect bd players with their occupy immunity - excluding the king.