Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I have a plan

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Didnā€™t he leave? (Or afk for a long time is what heā€™s said)

Yes I did saw that.

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:rofl: I meant a plan for my night action

Yeah ā€¦ you didnā€™t tell who, but thatā€™s ok - better for your discretion.

You know what would be better.

Instead of limited trials we canā€™t execute/pardon till a defence is made:

We actually follow this rule?

For Marl as host, it doesnā€™t matter.

Plus it will only waste time.

Isnā€™t wasting time helping evils in the long run :thinking:

They do need to post their defense eventually, that will make them do it under pressure so they donā€™t have time to make up.

stop frost just stop

We know u evil

So just stop

Cause I know everyone loves claiming D2 but come on.

Letā€™s not do that next time

I couldnā€™t care less of your anti-king views.

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Why doesnā€™t butler poison and kill in one day?

Celeste just LOVE to gloat me, but I am keeping Shurian alive so that would be her interest to cooperate.

Plus she doesnā€™t realize about one thing that doesnā€™t make me evil king.

Reason he's good king

Didnā€™t DF execute prince

If youā€™re Good King, then pardon me. I know you need all the healers you can get

If he was evil why didnt he df exe

That as well, no the reason I wanted to say is that I would actually minimize massclaiming as I have already mentioned - since anyone is literally claimed and I always update my claim list to find evil and not keep it for myself.

Even with almost complete claim list, it doesnā€™t tell me who other two scum is hiding.

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