Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

DF exe which?

I almost thought he’s squire but Prince doesn’t visit at night too so there’s that.

Feels bad we don’t have multiple BD proven 100% roles.

Oh well.


So I have now the reason to suspect Boss110 now as well, mainly because Butler comes first before Court Wizard.

Thus Boss110 isn’t confirmed and makes potential MM claim.

True, saying this person got barriered is actually risky for MM to pull it off.

Few factors ought to be taken: Vulgard can’t be NK or starting Unseen and while Firekitten did occupy TechWolves it doesn’t exclude him to be potential Possessor.

Moleland have accurate info about Italian that guarded me because if MM is Mole then that info got shared and can make fakeclaim as Observer more better - arguable this could be role swap. Italian being the MM and Mole the convert Nightwatch.

So if Italian fails to protect MtheJoker then he will be catching fire.

Wait I can be NK?


Cuz Possessor game

Yes but I occupied tech

True, um…you actually don’t know you get possessed by possessor these days right?

Yes but possesor doesn’t have possess

I meant control strings and yes they do.

Wait I’m a idiot.

Posssssor occupies the target?

:smirk: I can always night shade u d4

Basically, if Boss flips Possessor then you are good.

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Control strings doesn’t get you informed.

Then how am I possessor.

Does it OCCUPY the target?

If you use control strings then the person won’t know they unwillingly attacked someone, Possess on other hand is matter of scumreading as well - that is if you are good in imitating Firekitten.

You should read the possessor card.

Possess is different

I did.

I want to make you slip.

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Next time ~