Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Firekitten - Mastermind
Simon - Cult Leader
PoisonedSquid - Mastermind
TheItalian - Cult Leader
Ashe - Mashetermind
Techwolves - Cult Leader
Celeste_Ludenberg - Invoker
Psychoneirik - Cult Leader
Insanity - Mastermind
Moleland - Cult Leader
Marcus_Doodalee - Mastermind
Shurian - Cult Leader
Boss110 - Mastermind
MTheJoker - Cult Leader
Frostwolf103 - Evil King
Vulgard - Cult Leader

Prove me wrong :eyes:


You proven wrong becauseā€¦way too many MM/CLā€™s

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I have a brilliant idea

King guard Prince

If Prince dies we lynch King

Also if Demon is NK we donā€™t lose protectives/observers

Howā€™s that sound?

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I bet someone will counterclaim their asses.

:stop_sign: no u

Letsā€¦ startā€¦ THE FUN.


What is that aberration

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The Prince is a pedobear

Yeah sure, Celeste is known for claiming Prince every frigging time, itā€™s not funny.

That distract me from guarding the real prince.

But what if I was the actual prince

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guy i think tech roll cult class agin so this is true!


You are not, you are drunk. So go home.

Ok guys back up lemme go make my class list

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Problem is Celeste probably isnā€™t prince, she claims that every time

But Frostā€¦ i am the prince and I WANT PROTECTION

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Problem is; When I was Prince, you guys let me die n1 thinking I was fake

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Im still salty about that

well maybe if you donā€™t fake claim prince/jailor almost everygame i am in :thinking:

You are basically doing the PKR thing by asking protectives.

Take one court wizard and itā€™s all wasted.

Hey Frost, lets end the banter. Claim Cowardly King or I kill you n1.

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