Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I’m afraid not

Empty? Pfft.

Ashe, look at some of Frost’s neutral games. They are incredibly stupid.

Acting scummy is NAI for frost

I don’t believe you, Celeste.

You can’t possibly scumread.

This is beyond “scummy” this is just blatant neutral or evil.

I’ll bet 50 Bitcoin that you are Neutral or Evil.

My entire life savings

It’s worthless on the bet anyway.

Now stop shitposting, you found nothing.

This dude just rejected being a millionaire.

I rescind my offer, I believe this is enough evidence.

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You said you unintentionally cause mass claim, now I think it’s in your best interest to shut up.

@Vulgard Could you ISO Frost’s post for the flipping mother of pearls?

You are giving real scum to avoid you.


And that’s bad.

Ah, the empty threat wolf.

Telling someone to be quiet when they’re scumreading you :joy:

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Baring your fangs towards the Dragon. Don’t you know? The Dragon always win.

  • Quote unquote *